In August 2019, I submitted a blog entry for the Center for Progressive Security (CPS). The vision of CPS is ‘to advance inclusive terrorism prevention and response grounded in women’s human rights and context-specific analysis’. CPS consists of diverse experts who work towards the development of global security and counterterrorism initiatives by using a gender-focused and intersectional perspective.
When CPS asked me if I am interested in submitting a blog article, I took the opportunity to prepare a short extract of my master dissertation. The title of my thesis is “Safeguarding National Security and Police-Community Relations through Diversity.”
My entry for CPS is titled “The Paradox of Racial Profiling as a Counterterrorism Strategy and Police Diversity Recruitment in Europe” and published under their ‘expert opinion section’. It focuses on diversity management and counterterrorism initiatives within European police forces and discusses observed challenges. The blog concludes with four policy recommendations that have been analysed during my research.
Thank you for reading and sharing is caring :-)!